Flexowash FW 2000M Anilox washing, 2011

Flexowash FW 2000M Anilox washing, 2011

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Suitable for FISCHER & KRECKE aniloxes with GPS handle

Max roll length: 1400mm

Max roll diameter: 160mm

Max roll weight: 35kg

Max. cleaning length: 1600mm

Liquid tank: 55L

Anilox washing machine

The machine operates on the following principle:

Washing: The anilox is rotated while heated cleaning liquid is sprayed onto its surface for 5 to 15min.

The liquid loosens ink particles from the cells and cylinder surface.

Liquid recovery

At the end of the wash cycle, the cylinder continues to rotate and the cleaning liquid is recovered and returned to the tank before being filtered and reused. Duration: 2 to 3 min.

Rinsing: To remove loose ink particles, the cylinder is rinsed with high-pressure hot water. Nozzles are installed on a rail and slide to rinse the entire surface of the cylinder. Duration: 1 to 2 min.


The cylinder rotates while nozzles blow air over it. The drying nozzles are also mounted on a rail and slide to dry the entire surface of the cylinder. Duration: 1 to 2 min (depending on cylinder length)


ModelFW 2000M
Stock Number78532